Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jordyn Redwood Debuts With Excellent Medical Suspense Trilogy -- A Review of her "Bloodline" Trilogy

Reviews Of Recently Published Science Fiction And Fantasy Books
Reviewer: Forrest Schultz 770-583-3258
February 7, 2014
Jordyn Redwood Debuts With Excellent Medical Suspense Trilogy
A Review of
Jordyn Redwood Bloodline Trilogy published by Kregel in 2012 & 2013, each (paperback) volume priced at $14.99:
1. Proof 307 pp ISBN: 978-0-8254-4238-4
2. Poison 310 pp ISBN: 978-0-8254-4212-4
3. Peril 269 pp ISBN: 978-0-8254-4213-1
Reviewer: Forrest W. Schultz
Let me begin by bestowing my thanks upon Martha Ramirez for informing me of this great treasure. (C. S. Lewis once said that the greatest help a teacher can be is to recommend which books to read.) Jordyn Redwood's trilogy is excellent medical suspense, especially for those who like it blended with criminal suspense, particularly the subspecies of criminal suspense which focuses on the criminal mentality, similar to that of the Criminal Minds television series, which, by the way, celebrated its 200th show this week, so that this is a great time to write this review!!
I am also excited about Jordyn Redwood's books because they deal with interesting medical phenomena, which are useful in refuting the popular notion that science is boring -- I remember in high school most students thought that biology was borology! Well, they would not think so if they read these books, especially about how DNA identification can be thwarted by strange embryological phenomena, and how recipients of heart transplants can sometimes pick up memories had by the donor, which is one the weirdest things I have ever heard of! These biological facts are crucial for the stories in the first and third books of the trilogy as the discussion of interesting stuff about spider venom is for the second one. Redwood is not only a good writer but also a very knowledgeable one, who has had two decades of ER & ICU Nursing experience. She writes what she knows!!
I also wish to pay tribute to the beautiful cover photos -- these are among the best I have ever seen -- and of the beautiful websites of the author.
About the only criticism I have is that sometimes, especially in the second book, the story becomes too complex, which is one problem a sophisticated thinker like Redwood sometimes has.
I am now in the midst of writing about the flow of interesting things into my life. Jordyn Redwood's trilogy is the most recent of these interesting things!
Information is available on these websites: and Her email address is